Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Places To Visit On Birthday In Bangalore

And now ... Infectious tracheobronchitis (kennel cough)

Since Simba has a post on FUS. Hugh will not be less than is currently about to do the year (May 1, which is a place, but we put it there), his first condition. Toca

post information on the "kennel cough" dog flu, from the point of view of the experience of Hugh.

Hugh started coughing yesterday afternoon in which we had fallen pipicán bike, as he threw the ball a couple of times (and no more, because that is what you do not see sunshine and heat .) I heard a cough and gave me the impression he had been rough because of what it is to catch the ball, always swallow some "tierrecilla" soil. Back home, bike, went very slowly, at a normal pace because Sarah came on our side and no problem or a cough.

But when I got home, Hugh began coughing from time to time (every several hours) and cough lasted him a little while, a couple of dry coughs and arcade, as if something pierced. We continue to believe that perhaps swallowing some tierrecilla, had hurt his throat and was irritated as well, had not consented to drinking water since we returned from the park ...

at bedtime, Hugh was still coughing from time to time, and I told Sara that if the next day went well, take him to go. Indeed, at night and coughed several times this morning, was the same, with each X tosijones time, only well after each cough, effort had arcades.

Concerned, I began to investigate whether it would be this disease that I do not know much about but it sounded: the kennel cough.

In researching and reading a couple of scientific articles about it, I've been married all symptoms.

The kennel cough, is neither more nor less than a cold / flu canine (tracheobronchitis) passed with surprising ease (infectious) from dog to dog through saliva droplets expelled by the dogs cough. Other animals can be carriers (eg cats), but experience the disease asymptomatically, so that Simba, despite their close contact with Hugh (ahem) get rid of suffering.

Obviously, we are not going to suffer (not a zoonosis), we have already experienced our human seasonal colds for XD.

Who causes this canine flu? Well, as always, several viruses (canine parainfluenza virus (CPI) and canine adenovirus type-2 (CAV-2)) and / or a fucking bacteria: Bordetella bronchiseptica
(yes, Bordetella sp , that gender Bitches which species of bacteria Bordetella pertussis is the cause of whooping cough in humans nanos, and, apparently, derived from the Bordetella bronchiseptica ). There is another complicating friend Table, adding to the party: Mycoplasma sp (one without a cell wall baceteria bitch especially in infections).

When the ITB (infectious tracheobronchitis) is caused by a virus, is usually milder and even asymptomatic in the clinical picture. But alas, Perrin, if you who colonized the Bordetella , that malfa Gram-with fimbriae (hair-like appendages) that invade respiratory epithelial cells, the injured with their disgusting toxic and prevents the immune system load (I have a great research article on this and as I'm unemployed, I had a very good learning about it XD).

 Como he dicho, entrar en contacto con dichos patógenos (tanto víricos como bacterianos) es sumamente sencillo: basta con realizar una acción o varias a elegir de entre las siguientes:

- Deleitarse vomeronasalmente y a lametazos con un exudado femenino (orina) del suelo que "casualmente" otro macho enfermo o portador, deleitó previamente.
- Relacionarse caninamente con compis peludos (alguno de ellos enfermo o portador) y portarse con educación, dando besitos-señal de calma para apaciguar ánimos y dar a entender que quieres buen rollo y eres inofensivo.
- Compartir juguetes y/o pelotas con los compis del parque (alguno de ellos enfermo o portador).
entrar en antecedentes: we have several weeks to fall (or foot or by bike) to a new dog park that just opened.

Shares which, Hugh made almost every day (at least the first) and several times a week, the second.

As I have read, this disease is just a cold and therefore not of major complication and is usually self-limiting in healthy individuals (if kept idle for two weeks), we, as human colds. It is possible that more complicated if Mycoplasma bacterial infection and makes an appearance and then attends not only to cough, runny nose and watery eyes, but also with fever and low blood soul and may complicate to pneumonia / bronchitis. In such cases, the go often prescribe an antibiotic, a cough and little else.

initially I was going to wait for Sara out of the gigs we had to see if Hugh or not to go, but in the end I decided to take, because to do his business out I saw that blood defecated and am alarmed .

And precisely because I am alarmed that symptom is not a symptom of kennel cough. But a jam stomach / intestinal having eaten something he should not. And could not be sure of my diagnosis and that Hugh had not eaten any piece of toy last night that did not pay much attention as did the shrimp with her toy Orange destroying it, because I did not want to wait any longer and I've taken.

Result: As I feared, traquobronquitis infectious (the differential diagnosis on physical examination is causing the cough reflex, squeezing the throat of the dog in a dog with this disease, causes coughing and wheezing on auscultation to find breathing .) And the blood in the stool, not suit him to the vet.

Surprisingly, I have not had to fight with the go so I would not prescribe the antibiotic amoxicillin-á.clavulánico (which as I read, despite being widely used as a treatment, not so good) and have given me just the I've read it was more effective: doxycycline (a tertraciclina acting against Gram + and Gram-), although he has shoot on Hugh an intramuscular corticosteroids (for inflammation of the throat) when you do not need much and it is normal to codeine (a cough suppressant ), but bueh. For stomach and blood in stool, has given me guard (omeprazole) and soft diet was recommended to me. In addition we have given the deworming pill, it was his turn.

Incidentally, Hugh has dazzled for all veterinary, it is the only dog \u200b\u200bin the neighborhood who LOVES literally go to the vet and his vetes, and gives you prick like, check your teeth and mucous membranes, you mess a thermometer by the ass, introduced in throat lozenges ... he always responds with licks and tail wiggles. And they always want more ... : S

Finally, when we returned home, I found the reason for his unusual symptoms: a huge truño in the room next to the kitchen (the old room of pipis and poop). Apparently, Mr. Hughes, I had this morning a sovereign Lorza doors and as we got up early and I was behind in the morning out at the literature search of information on kennel cough, could not delay it more and Sovereign has made a bowel movement at home. And it's because it's getting hurt himself in the intestines and then, to remove me by force of habit, has tightened over the account to make something of himself intestinal ea, between that and the nerves in the cough and being bad, Equilicuá, there we have the blood in the stool.

So no, you cancel the remainder of canine socialization to which we were going to go on Saturday at the dog park and family visits (as well as bike outings and long walks) to the restoration of our canine friend.

I leave you with a video of Hugh, who does not do justice to what is unwell (this dog we will bury us, lol).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Australia Wildlife Rescue Play Online

Dedicated a. ..

Rogue, Canis , Hideki-Man and Miral Majere, my brave warriors, always ready to read infumables billets and certify it with a comment.

That goes for the companion Re.Comentario, fallen in the dreadful Battle of Contestoalvez Acuatro. This time he won Blogger ... and the essence of Re.Comentario was lost in darkness.

But know, noble soldiers, their spirit endures, and will be able to find their way into the shadows that cover the realm of Blogger and breathe new life into "Re.Comentario" in a new battle.

Next is our, Blogger. Screw you for c ** or!

(Note: **= ul, lol).

Hugs, co.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oblivion How To Make Npcs Wear Clothes

En el 2002, Nintendo nos sorprendió con un nuevo juego del bigotón favorito de todos, la aventura fue subtitulada SunShine y lo vimos enteramente para el Game Cube. Este juego es continuación del Mario 64 y cuenta con la historia "más elaborada" de la franquicia, desde mi punto de vista.

Unas vacaciones muy fuera de lo normal

La historia comienza cuando Mario, la Princesa Peach, el sabio Toadsworth y unos cuantos hongos se van de vacaciones. Su destino turísitco es la Isla Delfino, un paradisiaco lugar con playas hermosas y diversos lugares de atracción, inhabited by the Pianta and Nokis.

But not everything goes as planned, because when visiting the island, they realize that he has been attacked by a strange kind of painting that has tainted much of the island. As usual, Mario does the same to help. Is a tool called Fludd, with which it can absorb water to use it in different ways (A curious fact Fludd mentions that its creator is Professor E. Gadd, who invented the vacuum cleaner with which Luigi does his thing in Luigi's Mansion).

With it he can, and finds the real cause of the attack on the Isle Delfino: Dark Mario. The enemy managed to escape, but the city police Mario confused with his dark version, so take him to prison.

Now his mission is to clean up the city, and reputation.

An innovative way to control our hero

First of all I want to mention that this title is played after the two versions of Mario Galaxy and I must say that the latter are heavily inspired by SunShine, on some levels and even the gameplay with Yoshi, which is practically the same, except for the difference in control.

Instead Mario control itself is very different, because now go running we give some of panzaso clavadillos to advance faster, and if we add these fixed a jump, we go further. This sort of thing is what I have not seen any games lost in the mustache. The character has a great versatility when performing jumps and stunts.

addition to this, the help of Fludd is excellent, now we can say that the sky is the limit. It facilitates the game using this engine and ride service is incluzo leaping buildings using the different functions of it. In Fludd

can fly through a generous period of time, we can throw water, you can jump high to reach places that could not to do otherwise and we can run with amazing speed, among many other things.

are excellent places

In the game we will explore different levels travez Delfino Island, among which we find beaches, mountains, coasts, hotels, valleys, and even a volcano. All very well decorated with music that fits each point in the game. In fact, the title track of the island can be heard as an extra in the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

resarltar A place I love, because it caught my attention, one is called Mermaid Beach, where it combines very well with the sunset sea \u200b\u200band the creepy background music. Undoubtedly, a bellesa.

Delete the final boss is not everything

thing I like a lot of Mario and Zelda games, is that when you finish with the final boss and spend the credits, the game does not end at all. We give chanse to continue playing it in order to complete it 100%, which is very difficult, but a great challenge for hardcore gamers.

For example, each level consists of 8 episodes in which there is a sun per episode. A part of the 8 Soles, there are 3 more that you find, but they are well hidden or extra challenge that increases the difficulty. In fact, throughout the game there are a total of 120 Soles. I must say I ended the title with a total of 89.

And not only are the Suns, there are also blue coins are very rare and battles to find, I can assure you that there are over 200 throughout the game. It is undoubtedly a great job for which he completed 100%.

Well, for me it, hope you liked the section of the day, we read. Here is the wallpaper with Mario getting one of 120 Soles.

play one, do not disappoint. The other week I bring you another game I consider a hardcore masterpiece. In the meantime, and to finish the post, I leave you with a music video game that builds very well everything that I told you up here and show them the essence of this title.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blocked Up Nose On Waking In The Morning

This is not an abandoned blog


Greetings to all the beautiful people that visit this blog ... and ugly people . We entered the year 1991 and see what happened inside the walls of DC Comics by then, to be honest there is not much relevant so I'll cover everything in this post.

begin with a megasaga called War of the Gods , arguably the editorial antencedente Our Worlds at War (and I'll talk about it) or Blackest Night, as would a plot originally dedicated to a single character, in this case Wonder Woman , but the publishers saw potential and decided to cover the entire DC universe with a series of tie-ins. It was intellectual work of George Perez and marked the final stage in the title of Wonder Woman, as its name must indicate this on a war between the gods and the Amazons are in the middle, as the sorceress Circe made a series of murders in the world of men, taking care that the Amazons were blamed, so the gringo army takes its customary place as protector of the world and declares war. While the Greek gods fight against the Egyptians and others (most notably the presence of Black Adam ), Wonder Woman must face Circe and Captain Marvel under their control, while the home of the Amazon is being destroyed.

The saga took place in special 4 numbers, 4 regular issues of the Wonder Woman series and 16 titles (from Batman to Doctor Fate), plus an epilogue on the number 62, Wonder Woman, where Perez goodbye to the series and all DC Comics, tired of being the only who cared for that character while the other editors and writers ignored. And honor to whom honor is due, good George is by far the best writer who has been Wonder Woman (not including its creator) and had every right to be outraged ... finally, to another subject.

War of the Gods was not the only mega saga of that year, there was more than accounted for the greatest fiasco in the history of DC Comics, this is Armageddon 2001 . Not that the saga was bad but the end will put paid to everything, but better I'll explain how it was the thing. This event would be the first important work as artist Dan Jurgens that had already earned the respect of his superiors thanks to his remarkable work on Superman and thought he was ready for something to cover the entire DC universe. Officially, the writers of this series were Archie Goodwin and Dennis O'Neil, but said they based their ideas on designs Jurgens, which, as I said recently, was obsessed with time lines and it was this series. It had

hero Waverider (the image), a time traveler, in the future, one of the current heroes had betrayed the others, was named Monarch and became ruler and tyrant the world. Traveling Waverider al presente para evitarlo, pero desconoce quién será el traidor así que usando sus poderes toca a distintos héroes (no es sexual) y con ello es capaz de dar un vistazo a sus futuros; todo esto se narra dentro de los anuales de distintas series, como Flash, Superman, Hawk and Dove (sí, esos mismos que en México fueron llamados Gavilán y Paloma, jo), etc, además de dos números especiales.

Hasta ahí todo iba bien, porque podíamos ver qué ocurriría con los héroes y crecía el suspenso de quién iba a enloquecer y matar a los demás, pero... ¡chin! Las pistas sobre la identidad de Monarca eran demasiados obvious and all readers soon discovered that Captain Atom who was mad. When the letters began to pour into the offices of DC deducting the secret, there was a editorial meeting where, instead of accepting the intelligence of readers and go ahead with the plans, decided to surprise all the smart-ass and would choose to another traitor. Of course, the heavyweights of the house as Superman, Batman and Flash were banned, so the choice was Hawk ... This was ridiculous!

Not only was relatively weak for that but, on the anniversary of Hawk & Dove, had shown their children were the only heroes who were fighting in the future against Monarch. Ignoring all that, went ahead and the saga has to be concluded that the future monarch kills Dove, Hawk gets angry and kills the villain to discover who is himself, so crazy and becomes monarch, fighting against Captain Atom and the two travel through the time where seemingly Atom wins the fight, returns to the present and the villain disappears as a possible future ... a full-fledged temporal paradox. Despite criticism from experts and readers to the end of the series, Armageddon 2001 had good numbers (except for the creative team of Hawk & Dove, which ran out without deberla comic or fear it) and Jurgens continued to top the list of favorites in DC, but was left with the thorn and continued using Waverider and Monarch, which is managed to escape from his fight with Captain Atom, until brought them back to the series Zero Hour, which I will talk soon. Fun fact: in recent times, following the Infinite Crisis saga, Captain Atom did end up going crazy and becoming monarch as originally planned, even in the comic Countdown destroyed several alternate realities, but recently returned and despite his sanity Initial distrust of his fellow ended up accepting it as a hero again ... I mean, if received Hal Jordan, which imports a genocidal more.

In 1991 there was also a Batman arc would end by turning the universe batmaniaco for a while: Venom . But first let me put some context to this: a couple of years earlier had begun publishing the comic Legends of the Dark Knight , which had the peculiarity of being located in Year One, that is, stories that were pure Batman's past (without Robin, Jim Gordon even police lieutenant, etc.), this comic turned out to be very popular because driving a dark, realistic and creative team did not have a contract basis but a writer and a cartoonist (always pure detailed artist style) for an arc of 5 or 6 numbers, so he had visions and art very different, but with the same publisher to maintain consistency. Among the types that paraded through this comic was the likes of Grant Morrison, JM Dematteis , Doug Moench and future editor of Batman, Dennis O'neil. And it is the latter that interests us because it was the writer of the saga Venom or Poison, published in Nos. 16 to 20 LotDK and Trevor Von Eeden drawings and Russell Braun.

In Venom, Batman tries save a girl kidnapped and tied up in the drainage tunnels, but fails unable to lift a giant rock that prevents its passage and she drowns, he blames himself for his weakness and to aggravate the problem, the father of the girl is a doctor working on a drug that increases the strength above any other set. To make the story not tired and do not spoil the reading of this saga if you get it (is compiled and edited by the Batman Vid size booklet), the bat becomes addicted to the substance and also the doctor works for a general you want to use it as a guinea pig and a mercenary to change continue to supply the drug. The rest of the story tells of how proud and poignant as Batman hit bottom in their addiction to overcome and then go after the doctor and the general were already a step further and also drug use surgery to create an army supermen who obey any order (including the general's son.) Venom is a raw saga but magnificent to be read if you have the opportunity and created the drug there would be resumed after the invention of for Bane, the villain who nearly killed the Batman vigilante day, as we shall soon.

And speaking of details that eventually claimed relevance, in that same year, 1991, in Detective Comics was created villain Abattoir , known in Mexico as Slaughterhouse created by Marv Wolfman and Jim Aparo. He was a serial murderer and internal Arkham Asylum, which had some attachments or even primitive shamanic because he thought he absorbed the strength and wisdom of those killed. In his first encounter with Batman gets almost kill him (he fired a bullet to the heart but the plate on his chest bat absorbed the shock) and take their fight to a cemetery where Slaughterhouse boasts having eaten the meat and drank the blood of their ancestors, perhaps literally. Fun fact: also believed that the pictures would steal the soul, ho. Slaughterhouse

made regular appearances in Detective Comics during the year, but never became a villain tercerón , probably because I had an image feature (only used his prison uniform and conventional weapons, sometimes a capita as shown in the picture), but his death would have a role a couple of years later, when a new Batman came to town. Indeed, Slaughter was among the villains zombies during the night more oscurota.

's it for today, next week a bit of Dark Horse Comics Valiant and more. Before saying goodbye, as we are speaking of the nineties, the video section is no longer only eighties to become the Polo Classic eighties and noventeros . Today I present a grounder not well remembered by the Pet Shop Boys I find most experimental and innovative than the more publicized as Go West. The video as well as the group is the pinnacle of manhood and masculinity ... Furthermore, if we do not like is because they are gay , ho. Without further ado, I leave you with the duet to which the organization PETA kindly asked to change its name to the Kids Adoption Center Animal. Bye.


Alprazolam .025 Images

Reorx The crooked lines of Hugh

: This post is a typical story kender, wait for, plot twists, paragraphs and paragraphs of ramblings and battles, back and forth in time sudden and a long list of paraphernalia and nonsense. Please have the patience to read it slowly and if you do not understand, re-read with a cup of tea in hand and if possible, a homemade cookie.

As promised some time to make a comment, I would like to share with you some technical difficulties which is from late December 2010, my body mountain.

Well, actually we should go back to the past, that time in my life when I was going to hunt frogs in the wild Carbonera river my friend Mari, I did Ranil alarm, because as soon as he saw a beat an ultrasonic squeal and I communicated visually (staring at the aforesaid Animalic, hidden among reeds) the exact position of my prey. Those were days of snacks of oranges, almonds and occasional berries, brokerages days among the ruins of abandoned mills and ... go to school. Sovereign

bearable pain in the ass only, so I fared well in the backyard throwing the compis twenty-one, the hour of gymnastics, the Alternative to religion and handsome and interesting that Walter seemed to me back then ... (Ains. .. what a lack of criterion ... the boy called him CanalPlus, for the bass to be spent ... the caliber of a TV).

Well, in those years, with 12 ídems telling me, if I remember correctly, we did an MOT of those in school, that just as regular reviews of the car, make you nervous, you make " lose "a day y. .. finished with a dreaded piece of paper.

In my case, piece of paper that contained a sentence: POSSIBLE SCOLIOSIS, SEND TO Orthopedics.

I really do not remember what happened then, but maybe it happened that my mother made an appointment with the GP to refer me to the orthopedist, or something similar ... the case that had me x-rays and an orthopedic surgeon reviewed it and told my parents that actually, his daughter had a curved spine and it was he had one leg an inch higher than the other.

And he recommended me up to compensate for that inch.

For those coincidences that has life, I had an orthopedic urbanization orthopedic (specifically, the father of my friend's travels, adventures and cabin mate, swimming and cycling: Alberto. With whom, by the way, I smoked half my first and last cigarette, hidden in our cottage from the open, ending for me party that for crap not worth the gamble with lung cancer.

What we talked about? Ah yes, my hike. Well, my mother confided to my friend's father Alberto my back. And this, after I get a review, concluded, I think, that not only had scoliosis but also his feet were a bit flat and I drew up a pair of insoles blue rare.

those templates I tried for a couple of weeks and I noticed that I was starting to hurt them back (which before, without them, it happened), so, feeling both oddball and over, no reason puteada not stop until I convince my parents that those templates were not doing me any good and was better off without them. And oddly enough, my parents, left to convince, and I could happily hide those ugly templates in the darkness of a closet.

So many years passed, at least, at least, many ^ _ ^ (to December of last month.) Unnoticed for my back. No more pain beyond the typical of poor sleep, to study too (always too) because the handle of the bike was very low ... but nothing remarkable.

however, came in December, coinciding with the visit of a person who had no treatment for a long, long time ... at least ... much ^ _ ^ (from at least three years ago), began my ordeal.

wish I could say without hesitation that I made a bad move (it was not bad, he must be REALLY good), or to undertake strenuous physical exertion without warm up (on the contrary, I love the preliminaries ...) or any of those nice and logical causes people often present on the opening of their injuries ... but I can not, the kender never missed the truth ...

decorate as much;)

But as a good listener, few words are enough, I think I have already given enough hints to my kind and alert readers to imagine how the case unfolded ... so we go to it without further ado:

I think happens the day after the trigger of the case, I noticed itching and cramps in his right leg, and a sharp pain in the right buttock.

I eat a lot after googling the ball enough, I found just where hurt me in the ass, had a muscle called pyramid bastard sometimes inflamed (especially in athletes who do not stretch enough) and, being defamed inflamed sciatic nerve press may produce the same discomfort that I had in the sciatic .

I noticed that random cramps in the leg were beginning to set in motion and after a while diminishing frequency. And it was a muscle cramp, there was a sharp, shooting pain, like a pinch or elective sudden shock.

I decided to leave out completely and to exercise absolute rest, hoping to improve my pain.

But odd, pain evolved for several weeks and cramps, which were initiated earlier and earlier and kept during the day, having even irradiated and the entire right leg ( including the foot). Sitting for more than a quarter of an hour I found it impossible, the pain and cramping, so I had to walk all the time getting up and walking a bit.

A few days later, the cramps were irradiated to both legs, and, frightened, went to the doctor. It ruled that there appeared to have sciatica but something fucked femoral cutaneous (which is on the side of the thigh) and would have a small swelling that was pinching me. He sent me a treatment with diclofenac (Di-retard), which took several weeks duraante (a hair, no stomach protector, because the doctor did not prescribed it) and that symptoms improved slightly: the cramps became itchy insistent. Which ... sometimes it even less bearable ...

With anti-inflammatory treatment, back pain I located on the left lumbar sacral area and I feared that I did spirometry at that time (January) I would have aggravated the injury because an inspiration abdominal stronger than normal, I felt a terrible pain, like a tear in that area.

spirometry The thing came from before (do not know if I told it had started running a few months ...), the fact is that sometimes gave me asthma after running, especially, the days when he was not breathing well nose. And I went to the doctor to see what happened and he referred me to a pulmonologist, who sent me a spirometry (check the volume of air that can collect your lungs) and the results were more than good, real good ... had values \u200b\u200bas 104%, 106% and 108% ... which means I can take even more air normal (probably thanks to my beloved trumpet, and my ability in terms of diaphragmatic breathing). With such results, it was normal asthma, asthma should be effort ... (Which is triggered by exercise) so I sent a spirometry effort ... but then, I met to taaaaaaaaaan later, I agreed everything with the issue of back injury and I had already abandoned the habit of running and my respiratory system was much better ... and stress test that was where I finish I should do harm by making the strong and sudden inspiration, and then run well on a treadmill (because they make you run for precisely straining).

Indeed, in a hospital in Alicante, with the stress test, mounted on the treadmill and all full of wires and strange devices to measure the volume of air circulating through my lungs ... I publicly and everything ... nurses began to enter and stay inside to watch, fascinated, as I ran and asked the pulmonologist to climb the level of the little machine running so I was not full of beats ... and of course, a young mistress, sweaty, athletic running at full speed which gazelle, apparently, was an event there (I think this test is mainly to make grandpas, lol). Well the fact is that there I ended up messing the back, hips or whatever you have screwed.

took several days and had to discontinue treatment with anti-inflammatory gastrointestinal complaints. Although, to tell this problem to the doctor, he told me to take a stomach protector (a good hour, green sleeves) and X-rays to compare with the ones I have from when I was little and see how it has changed my scoliosis . Unfortunately, the shield does not affect me, because my complaints are more of an intestinal ... and less-hassle-rate, no hassle, this is hell unleashed in my intestines ... I was swollen and digestion bothers me, so I start burriales have flatulence that I produce a few pangs of 15 which left me in pain and sweating bent effort to stay alive, XD. We, many bad.

Returning to the doctor, to commit my loss to the anti-inflammatory, I mentioned where I had located the pain, and he ordered an MRI if it was a herniated disc and a drug. At home I discovered that I had ordered medication was an opioid y. .. I spent the topic. Drug Addiction absurd no thanks. That drug was not going to improve the injury (it was inflammatory, I just adormecería the nervous system and I SEDARI) and above, produce dizziness, drowsiness and dependence ... pff, going, I'm woman enough to endure the pain and I prefer at the moment, although I to tears as I fucked occasionally.

After loooong time (months), I performed two tests.

X-ray the day I was alone at the hospital in Alicante. And every time I go alone to some Lao, something I have to go. And yes, I screwed the afternoon. I do not know if you have an x-ray of the spine once you put a "protector" in the pubic area (a metal plate bundled in tape that you stick on the outside of clothing) not fuck ovaries is very funny ... Anyway, they say the Yankees, the case is that after X-ray me, nurses or factory workers or whatever they were, white coat, I said "you can dress and now go out and tell you something" ... and never heard of them. I spent an hour in a dressing room of 1x2m waiting, opening the door that is strictly forbidden to open from the outside (but says nothing from inside, hehe) because of the danger of radiation exposure, because I was overwhelmed to be in there and sensed it was not normal That's me there waiting so long y. .. surely that was the last of the day and were already almost two in the afternoon, had something to do with my retirement .... In the end, to the ovaries (without protection and, fortunately), I went to the counter and asked if I could leave or I had to give the X (usually pass it directly to your doctor, but it happened that my doctor is in St. Vincent and I went as "displaced") and the kind lady who was there, I said no, I could go, what the results will come from computer to my doctor.

LIE! After an hour's bus (and several fights to climb to it, because being rush hour, were filled and did not stop) in my house and sitting in front of my wonderful spaghetti with tomato and cheese made with love for my wonderful and most loving girlfriend, I called the hospital saying that there has been a mistake and I have to return to pick up the fucking X-ray. And yes, I screwed the new food late because I had to board the bus to Alicante for my x-ray.

On magnetic resonance, as I accompanied my sufridísima, remarkable because nothing happened. Yes, it was my first MRI and it was a new event ... mostly because they decided I have one on Saturday at seven o'clock ... which should be banned ... and making it more sufridísima my ditto, because Curran came up a few hours later, the poor. By the way, if someone is afraid that the resonance of claustrophobia ... that will be forgotten, I had a great time in there and almost fall asleep ... if it were not for the noise made that infernal machine, bombarding ions, the airecito conditioning, tapadita with a blanket and with the headphones on, I would have fondled but well ... Although, of course ... considering that I used to sleep on the bus to uni BlindGuardian host all in my ears ... this is so weird right? XD

Well in short, a month later, I gathered the results of MRI and fucking, I opened the packet containing my name my sentence: no sign of disc disease in the area lumbar.Ahora well, said nothing of the sacred area, that had not revised. I asked

appointment with doctor to show the results of my x-rays and my MRI, and he, who had just returned from vacation and had accumulated a lot of work, I did not fucking case. He said if he had no hernia, that shit, that everything would be due to my scoliosis and fuck me, that this was the life and times would be best and worst times ... and that the pain and cramps were not supposed martyrdom life, maybe disappear.

I left, shocked and depressed. I sent or physical therapy or rehabilitation, or called me with the orthopedic surgeon ... nothing. Fuck me that if I wanted to take opioid medication and endured the pain, for there self. Total

, now I have become more frequent cramps in both legs during the whole course of the sciatic and the femoral cutaneous nerves in pubic. Yes, cramps and stitches in the pubis. It is not pleasant.

The problem has been maintained so far and I have not followed any treatment for several months. Back pain is chronic, and cramps, stinging and itching, which fucking get worse with:

- Walking and, especially, running.
- Driving and sitting in the seat of the car.
- Certain efforts do not think to mention that my girlfriend tells me off.
- lifting.
- Sleeping on your side.

stretching I started back on my own, but it causes pain and worsen the matter, so I quit. I tried to swim, but my symptoms worse, and I preferred to keep the rest, except for some short trips on foot and occasionally by bicycle, with Hugh, which is the only exercise that gives me no pain or worsens box. Although now I bought a new saddle, and so long as I'm fit as a fucking time because it hurts the ass and hips ...

Every night, since my problems started, I applied heat on the sore areas (shoulder and hip) with a small blanket elective that my parents gave me for my birthday. I bought a latex neck pillow and a pillow to elevate your legs and unload the lower back, I use every day to sleep (for discomfort and annoyance of my wife). The result is that the pain better during the night and morning I'm slightly better, but nevertheless, as the level of activity in the day, the pain and cramps are getting worse until the evening, is unbearable and I can barely walk or be in certain positions either sitting or lying down.

peak a month ago, she did not want myself to make my life so, as I said the doctor, appointment again asked to give up the ass and, with the excuse of having recovered my templates (those that made me My neighbor's father Alberto) and started to wear them again, but I was not convinced whether it served to me (which is true), I got to give me an appointment to the orthopedist.

And since then I like, waiting and waiting, until you reach the coveted 26 May and a specialist can tell my problem, and shine a bit of my existence. For me, I'm up to the very of google life get me in hand, trying to find out what disease ails me and what to do to improve my life and get back to who was ... and because I'm already very very tired of not being able to do no exercise, no effort or walk more than half an hour without feeling riddled with pins and cramps. I look like a disabled grandmother and I have 26 years, damn.

addition'm fat and I can not get my dear muscles because worsen my injury-ghost.

My bloody injury
unknown ... may be attributed to many things, as a facet syndrome, paresthesia, a boils in the sacral, a vertebral apophyses fucked .. but apparently, according to my doctor "is scoliosis" mijmo and that you get by.

orthopedic hope to do more if I ... : S

Free Models An How To Build Surfboards

Spider-Man, the cartoon of the 90's

What's up, as I see someone not posted, I take the opportunity here the space to talk about a series that I really liked in my childhood.

This is nothing more and nothing less than noventera Spider-Man series, which I think is the best thing Marvel has drawn animation, along with the X-Men, which will see in another post.

This cartoon is chingonsísima, and I think the movie Spider-Man 3 is based on something a little on the part that dominates Venom Peter, and appears chingona on a building, more righteous party!

Anyway, here are the first two episodes, the others already know where to find (Youtube to me!).

Episode 01 (Part 1):

Episode 01 (Part 2):

Episode 02 (Part 1):

Episode 02 (Part 2):

What good animation, very good with high quality. What do you think this cartoon?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Indoor Water Parks New England

See It City (Sin City)

Here is this good movie to see it in these days that school is out.

pinchadle To view the full vidio and this will take you to the YouTube website, where you can see if the movie one hundred farts.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby Shower Invitation Templates

Right Place is a short film which tells exactly what is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

And yet, in the end, someone else will always find the right place.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Long Till You Can Be Anerexic

Tron Right Place: The Legacy

By asshole, I'm a fan now more than Tron. Why? Because one day I went to Blockbuster to rent some movies to every mother, and you told me who was paying the guy who treats you that fart nose, right now we have eighty dollars paragraph of the movie Tron: The Legacy, what a fart, you you pull? And me, well nel compa, just right now I'm interested in these movies I have not seen part one-Oh No fart so if you want, give me the eighties and give you free rent for one .. . Went

So until then earned cock and skewered me, and moral sexualemtente of all kinds. Over time I paid two hundred dollars more and so I got the movie. And by the way, I did not watch one, I had to rent it three times until I got to see it. You know, is that I am very busy lol ... No the truth is that I like to watch movies when I'm fart, as it takes my concentration. Anyway.

This small introdicción was just to say that I have it and since I saw her I became a big fan. I liked it a shitload and detail to a young Clu retechingón computer is, as we see it as it would for twenty years, and currently is an elder.

The fights are spectacular, no have a mother. Is abundant and well-choreographed fight chingón type, on motorcycles or putazos them was very good. Another thing to highlight is the music. Managers were Daft Punk and raffled it with some tunes that are perfect for the type of movie. Here is a sneak peak on Youtube (no mamen! Apparently I can not put the videos here, somehow gets cock now, so I give you the link):

Already saw it? I recommend them widely.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Connect Analog Pbx With Ip Pbx

no joke now


Greetings, folks. Continue our journey through the year 1990 and started with more than DC Comics, which gave them a real surprise to readers of Superman the last month of that year, when the editors decided to kill the oldest supervillain editorial: Lex Luthor .

The thing was more or less like this: some time ago Luthor wore a kryptonite ring to ward off a possible attack by the Man of Steel and also show off their green gem that looked good fashion , which he had was that, although radiation of this material only for immediate mortal native Krypton also ends up hurting humans if exposed to it for long periods y. .. Take it! The bald cancer is achieved Devil brand. They had to amputate the hand that had been using the ring (right), but that was not enough and his personal physician and lover, Dr. Kelley informed him that he would die later than one year was not going to go quietly so I planned something big. In the new continuity, Luthor began his fortune designing airplanes ... Well, actually started killing their parents and collecting life insurance, but designing aircraft was the first thing he did legal and bulky, so I announced to the world return to its roots by designing, building and manning a ship with that break the speed record, which was really only kamikaze mission and crashed in Peru (seriously, was Los Andes).

Superman was the first to reach the impact zone and death became official in one of the richest men in the world and the largest living Metropolis ... because that was the most interesting part of Luthor's death, he did not die unmasking the villain has always been, but in the minds of the general population was a man noble and necessary for financial stability. During the following months in the Superman titles showed how necessary it was Lex to Metropolis, perhaps more that Supes, since now the city is plunged into its worst economic crisis, leaving many people without jobs including his own Jimmy Olsen.

The surprises were just beginning, because a few months ago appeared the lost son of Lex Luthor and Dr. Kelley, known as Lex Luthor Jr or II , was almost identical to the parent, but obviously younger, hairy and bearded. Now, from the beginning there was something suspicious Luthor's death and the arrival of her offspring, and we never see the corpse of the father and Dr. Kelley was told in a chapter that should go to meet his new son. Soon the truth was revealed: Lex Luthor Jr was in fact the same Luthor, but in a cloned body by Project Cadmus. Readers knew that, but within the comics were all deceived and the new Supes Lex led to believe it was his friend, was aware of the evil of his father and wanted to help make things right ... and most importantly, also tricked Supergirl and even the eating walked the beggar.

Luthor II was in force until the mid-nineties, ie also during the death of Supes, at which time he became protector Metropolis with Supergirl, wearing a combat armor, but they really had become good and evil broke out shortly after when a disease afflicted all clones created in Cadmus and the new body of Lex started deteriorate. The truth of who was revealed and this time it was all his enemies, destroying the entire city in the process, the saga known as The Fall of Metropolis . He was defeated and fell into a coma. Soon after, the editors wanted to return the character to his roots and Lex made a deal with the demon Neron to retrieve his body and health, saying it was all a deception of Cadmus, which he had nothing to do with that clone liar and was innocent of all deceit and destruction, as often happens in the comic book heroes knew he was lying but the people of Metropolis to swallow it entirely , which sounds ridiculous until you see all industrial and political reality that we say and that I was not going mensa people believe him.

Finally, we end up with DC and now a mention of other companies. First in 1990, Harris Comics bought the rights to the characters of the defunct Warren Comics and therefore meant the return of Vampirella to cartoons. I long ago I talked at length about it so I mention them only to have it present.

Then in 1990 the comic appears Men in Black, based on the urban legend of secret government agents who are responsible for the disappearance of evidence of extraterrestrial affairs. It was created by Lowell Cunningham and published by Arciel Comics. The original editor of the miniseries disappeared and the rights were purchased by Malibu Comics, which took another 2 miniseries. Surely, almost everyone knows Men in Black thanks to two movies with Will Smith, which I have understood that, as with many adaptations, only took a few names because theme is very different. As I said recently, Malibu was purchased by Marvel and Men in Black became his property, but they have only taken adaptations of movies, never a series regular.

Turning to the independent comics in 1990 appears Madman Mike Allred. This is a government agent who died in an accident and, Frankenstein-style, two scientists return to life without knowing that it was given powers of mind and empathic , which manifests itself in very strange ways, and you can do things and know everything about a person by just touching it, to have glimpses of the future. Madman is not properly a parody, but if you drive a weird humor and even difficult to digest ... or so I have understood, because honestly there is something in the style of Mike Allred me away from their work.

In closing, I do not want to mention one of the most interesting cases in the history of independent comics. In 1990 he began publishing Boiled Angel, a story of unknown authorship Mike Diana, a Florida artist who personally distributed in comic book stores, I have understood that more than a story, was a succession violent scenes , as mutilations that incest and other beauties. The few critics who read the comic identified as worthy of censure, but as a local publication would not have gone from being a good story until the matter was Kafkaesque. It turns out that two years later in the real world, the Florida police investigating a house where a murder was committed, located objects belonging to the criminal and one of them was a comic Boiled Angel. Mike Diana was arrested and indicted as the main suspect .

course, the poor dude had nothing to do with the crimes and was exonerated when the real killer was arrested, but police had made ridiculous and would not let him go so easily. A prosecutor will consider charges brought by adult material and although it seemed a clear case of violation of freedom of expression, the prosecution prospered and Mike Diana had to pay a small fee. But it does not end there, as the author did not back off, took another number of Boiled Angel even more grotesque than the previous and this time it went to pot (Although he dropped word), had to go to counseling and perform community service . There

more trials and more convictions, because Diana always lost and persecution was such that he decided to move to New York where he was received as a media celebrity and even a play was inspired by his case. While stopped drawing Boiled Angel, existing copies became cult item, are currently very expensive and almost impossible get, in addition to continuing to make bizarre drawings for some small publishers. Fun fact: addition to the aforementioned play, there is a chapter of the Law and Order (Special Victims Unit) where they find an independent comic in the house of a rapist, the crimes are identical to described in the story so the author was arrested, said to this chapter could be based on the story of Mike Diana, which would not be strange if we consider that the same writers of this series have stated that their scripts based on the headers newspapers.

for today's it, finished the Oscar nominations, but the actual voting will continue until Friday and then return to normal surveys. I notice that the award ceremony will be in the first week of May , before Kodak theater people learn that our check bounces. Goodbye.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sheet Music For Mountains By Biffy Clyro

In this post I want to unleash the war of the flip-flops! Why

People who prefer to waste time in this seedy nightclub instead start thinking because they have wasted their lives reading both this blog and do something productive and better .... MIND THE MOTHER TO SOULBEARER!

Okay, after the respective mother the fucking insults plaintiff in turn, devote myself to post something to get acclimated the premiere of Thor and we will review certain information that Google found with respect to the dudes who embodied the god of thunder ..

To read through the end of the post you will find information of interest to Mexico and a Marvel comic that goes around haunting ..

to give!

Well, the first I found information film was "Le gladiatrici" Italian movie in USA is known as "Thor & the Amazon Women", dating from the time of maturity of ruco, out there in 1963 ..

Here Joe Robinson handles the role of Thor, which was more of a stuntman than actor, who plays also an Italian version of Tarzan ...

Videofilm I then found the Marvel "The Incredible Hulk Returns", eighties born of that series that starred Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno as the giant emerald, found this good, it is unfortunate!

His name? Eric Allan Kramer ..

Another movie is recent (2009), and is a tv flm by that demon called SciFi Channel, which offer us this gruesome version based on the true Norse (not Kirby osease Marvel) and the head of Thor's disgrace Zachery Ty Bryan ...

That same year we find the comedy called "Thor at the Bus Stop" where Jerry Thompson makes the god of thunder .....

Purists mythological Thor here is a sucker less than Marvel .... ha! the Pine!

to I leave the trailer ...

You all know the Thor of the next blockbuster from Marvel that we will see April 29: Chris Hemsworth ...

And as we have all noticed, but that his only Stallonesca so to speak, but to judge until you see the whole movie ..

Finally, while Marvel's film debut also, The Asylum Studios launched in Videofilm "Almighty Thor ..

Where Thor plays Cody Deal, a film that catches my attention for 2 things:

- The quality difference between Marvel Studios and this ..
- Your Loki wore black only .... And is Richard Grieco! I thought he was dead ...

Well, after this account absurd, my real reason for posting was to get to the blogging community that we will, that information of a poster of Comicastle, we omagenes to prove that soon we will see the comic of FCBD last year Marvel's version of Mexican, namely this:

says it treat yourself to a post in downtown Mexico City and later and saw "for sale" at $ 29 $ 35 in other posts, here's the evidence:

Well, that's all for now readers marvelitas and second DC!

says goodbye to you my new secretary, Rhian Sugden, who is very religious and notice ...
