Sunday, May 17, 2009

Images Of Psoriasis In Babies

I do not know if he ever has happened to you
but when the rain falls on the Botanical
here are only ghosts.

You can leave.
I stay.

Mario Benedetti (clear).

is a topic left for anyone to say that you like Benedetti. It is also topical for anyone who loves literature that you like Benedetti.

clear you never belong, of right, to either of these two communities (although I belong to both), but I have very clear that this type scruffy and endearing, honest and brave, simple and deep, I love it. Sometimes I make my own the stories of his lines and always have the greatest sympathy for his bias. Do not think I can say nothing better of him.

To me, that I often feel closer to who I admire and I know that many of those I frequent, has given me very sad to know that you have completed the morning.

said such great things as they are sadness, joy that is a feat ... and spent his life defending, at times wanted, at times exiled ...