Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Who Has The Flat Boobs In Bollywood ?

Bury College

As buried in a short time in 2008, some ideas of Hundertwasser regarding how to bury:

Upon entering an ecological age, we see that there is no residue, nothing dies, everything is still alive, only to be transformed into other forms, and this is not a religious philosophy, are only facts. Due to a misunderstanding, the Last Judgement, resurrection, people have the same beliefs that the ancient Egyptians, if you can keep a man with his physical appearance, after the Last Judgement will live. But this is not true. Today we bury the dead in an anti-ecological. The dead are rotting in a coffin to four feet underground. The roots of trees can not regenerate. Besides the dead are separated heaven and earth for a cement slab and artificial flowers. The man should be buried only a foot or two feet underground. Then there should be planted a tree. Should be buried in a biodegradable coffin, so that when you plant a tree over the tree to benefit from its substance, and replace it with substance tree. When visiting a grave without a visit to a dead man visiting a living thing just transformed into a tree. She still lives in the tree. It says, "This is my grandfather, the tree is growing well, phenomenal. "can make a beautiful forest, it will be more beautiful than a normal forest because the trees have their roots in the graves. This forest can spread the field, and anyway as we have many forests, while we conserving the forest. It will be for man a park, a playground, a place to live. A great place to live in constant contact with life and death . "

I liked .. . Go through the web, there's more cool stuff.

Happy New Year to who deserves it.

Monday, December 29, 2008

How Much To Add Name On House Deeds

This is the last thing I hang up now, I'm going to dinner. Is a paragraph from a book by Bukowski. I hate that guy, I do not like reading. I like reading people ordering ideas and is able to make yarn, to bring an argument to the end. Bukowski is crazy because it works like my head is unstable and goes back and forth, drifting forever.

" I can never cross a bridge with the car without thinking about suicide. I can never look at a lake or ocean without thinking about suicide. Well, not give him too many turns. But I suddenly appears on the head: SUICIDE. Like a light going on. In the dark. The fact that there is a way help you to stay inside. Am I clear? .

So do not kill myself because I can kill myself ... I like what I'm saying this guy. I dislike because it is not cynical (I will explain my thoughts on cynicism and hypocrisy, and why I think second is abhorrent but the former is a social virtue of the first order and a sign of intelligence), but it is sooo clear ...

If you liked more here, I just found it.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Many Calories Pils Lager

out what you ask of the year? The reverse

Every year around this time, questions about the new year
, the plans for next year , multiply in media communication, family dinners, meeting friends and others. There is a formula that I particularly like, that "what you ask of the new year?".

answer I guess all that health, wealth, love and peace in the world, but I assume a certain inevitability to the questions you tick the "mental agenda" and end up depositing some hope in the coming year.

Exercising ask, I guess common among Christians (for what they call God), I find it strange and complicated. I wish I can win the lottery or the pools, but I am not able to arrange reasonable ambitions to entrust its implementation to God, the genius of the lamp or the next year ... I need a context and motivation to do it and my closest dreams are usually pretty crappy, to be achievable without mediation magic.

However, the other day I remembered a scene that made me understand when it makes sense to ask: on 23 December last year, I was surrounded by una turba de gente en la FNAC de Callao en una situación claustrofóbica y desesperante: más de dos horas de cola para pagar un libro entre roces, empujones y una impagable paleta de aromas. Harto del gentío, las colas y el agobio, resoplé en varias ocasiones (véase, un bufff ). Uno de mis resoplidos tuvo como cómplice inesperado a un señor de pelo blanco, vestido con traje y pañuelo en el bolsillo que respondió:

- No adelanta usted nada resoplando, haga como yo y pídale a Dios que caiga un rayo y nos mate a todos lo más rápido posible.

Feliz navidad a tod@s.