Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Many Calories Pils Lager

out what you ask of the year? The reverse

Every year around this time, questions about the new year
, the plans for next year , multiply in media communication, family dinners, meeting friends and others. There is a formula that I particularly like, that "what you ask of the new year?".

answer I guess all that health, wealth, love and peace in the world, but I assume a certain inevitability to the questions you tick the "mental agenda" and end up depositing some hope in the coming year.

Exercising ask, I guess common among Christians (for what they call God), I find it strange and complicated. I wish I can win the lottery or the pools, but I am not able to arrange reasonable ambitions to entrust its implementation to God, the genius of the lamp or the next year ... I need a context and motivation to do it and my closest dreams are usually pretty crappy, to be achievable without mediation magic.

However, the other day I remembered a scene that made me understand when it makes sense to ask: on 23 December last year, I was surrounded by una turba de gente en la FNAC de Callao en una situación claustrofóbica y desesperante: más de dos horas de cola para pagar un libro entre roces, empujones y una impagable paleta de aromas. Harto del gentío, las colas y el agobio, resoplé en varias ocasiones (véase, un bufff ). Uno de mis resoplidos tuvo como cómplice inesperado a un señor de pelo blanco, vestido con traje y pañuelo en el bolsillo que respondió:

- No adelanta usted nada resoplando, haga como yo y pídale a Dios que caiga un rayo y nos mate a todos lo más rápido posible.

Feliz navidad a tod@s.


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