Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sandals Make Noise When Walking

The train ran out his last roar
Late at night, missed
The moon disappeared
and falls is hidden in the mouth time Round the clock

Along the path to cover the view
Memory exhausted in the large trunk
Hangs fragile sentiment in the flight
From a survivor of the sky

friends waiting in the dusty streets
With the immense thirst While the meetings
forward to kiss my mouth cavity
The final terrible

Today, no eternal excited That I have been flying
child within
I have let the weight of the steps
want to charge your account
The dance my spell witch with a kiss
Noting my forehead
rendered the leaves are falling
Delivered Spring hopelessly final
So, I open my arms and jumping
blood strips, forming puddles
Emptying sperm sex
gasping dying crazy, I let me down after
Swimming in the pool of tears, not console.


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